Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
Meadville, USA
4 Years
Full time
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USD 26,475 / per semester *
* full-time fall & spring tuition 2022-2023
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The Mathematics Department at Allegheny College instills in our students an appreciation of the power, utility, and beauty of mathematics. Our curriculum not only introduces students to major areas of mathematical thought but also develops critical thinking and communication skills that will enable students to become lifelong learners and problem solvers.
Mathematics at a glance
- 100% of Math majors receive individualized advising from Math professors.
- 2:1 Math Majors to Math Faculty Ratio
Special Opportunities
- Individualized Placement Advice. Through one-on-one conversations with advisors, students are placed into the Math course that fits their mathematical background and needs.
- Internships That Lead To Careers. Students intern at companies such as Erie Insurance and PNC Bank, setting them up for actuarial, financial, and other math-related careers.
Engage with many areas of mathematics including calculus, linear algebra, abstract algebra, and analysis, while developing the problem-solving and formal reasoning skills that form the basis of mathematical thought.
Year 1
Through introductory courses, students explore the theory and applications of differential and integral calculus of algebraic, trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential functions of one real variable and then extend this study to encompass functions of several variables.
Year 2
Students transition to more abstract approaches as they learn about the language and techniques of mathematical proof in MATH 205 (Foundations of Mathematics). In MATH 211, the study of calculus continues, covering vector calculus and the integration of functions of several variables. Students also have the opportunity to explore the theory of matrices in MATH 320 (Linear Algebra).
Year 3
Students strengthen the skills needed for the Senior Project in the Junior Seminar (MATH 585), reading and discussing research articles together and learning LaTeX, the typesetting system used by professional mathematicians.
Year 4
All Mathematics majors complete a semester-long Senior Comp. This may involve proving original theorems, verifying nontrivial details in published proofs, devising original examples to illustrate concepts, describing the results of an independent study project, or similar activities. Drawing connections between mathematics and other disciplines, such as mathematics education, physics, chemistry, computer science, or economics, is welcomed.
Program Outcome
Learning Outcomes
- Master a rich and diverse set of mathematical ideas.
- Understand mathematical abstraction and the nature of mathematical proofs.
- Communicate mathematics both orally and in writing.
- Adapt mathematical knowledge to solve problems in mathematics and other fields.
Student Testimonials
English Language Requirements
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