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Alexander College - Cyprus BSc (Hons) Business Management
Alexander College - Cyprus

BSc (Hons) Business Management

3 Years


Full time

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EUR 6,950 / per year *


* fees apply to local and EU students only


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  • Duration: 3 Years
  • Qualification Awarded: BSc (Hons) Business Management
  • Awarding Body: Canterbury Christ Church University, UK
  • Language of Instruction: English
  • Mode of Study: Full-time
  • ECTS Credits: 180

Course Insight

Good management is at the heart of every successful organisation. Our business programme is practical in nature and from day one you will start to build your knowledge and understanding of organisations, the environments in which they operate, and how they are managed.

Designed to prepare you for general management, this course is particularly suitable if you are looking for a role in the service, retail or public sectors. You will study business from a strategic viewpoint and examine real-life organisational problems, making use of the strong links between Alexander College and a wide range of local, regional and national organisations as well as gaining real-world knowledge and experience.

Teaching and Learning

The course is taught through a diverse mix of learning environments including tutor-led, independent student-led and group projects. Lectures, workshops/seminars and group project work account for 12 hours of contact time per week and you will spend at least as much time again in the essential independent study including research, online work and preparation for assessment. Guest speakers and real-life case studies broaden knowledge of the industry and ensure graduates are work-ready and informed of the latest developments in the field.


You will be assessed through a mix of coursework and examinations, all of which aim to assess not only what you know and can do but also develop the graduate attributes that are valued by employers. These attributes include communication and presentation skills, IT and numeracy skills, teamwork, project and time management skills as well as the intellectual skills of problem-solving, critical thinking, analysis and evaluation, creativity and innovation. Coursework comes in many different forms: essays and reports, business plans and applied research projects, portfolios, weekly notes, assessed group and individual presentations. You will also be required to reflect and comment on your own learning and personal development.

Enrolment and Duration

This is a three-year full-time programme. Each academic year usually commences in the first week of October and, in some cases, the last week of September. The academic year runs for a period of 32 weeks. Students may enrol up to two weeks before the course starting date however, early enrolment is advised as places are limited.

Entry Requirements

Candidates must be at least 17 years of age by 1st September of the year they wish to enter onto the course and must hold a Secondary School Diploma or Foundation Diploma/Certificate or equivalent. You will also be required to provide evidence of proficiency in the English Language.

Graduation Requirements

The entire course comprises of a total of 18 modules over 3 years. To achieve the BSc (Hons) degree in Business Management, you must complete all modules to achieve the required 180 ECTS credits. If for any reason, you are unable to complete the full course you may qualify for an interim award providing you have completed the required minimum credits. A Certificate may be awarded to students who have achieved over 60 credits or a Diploma for students who have achieved over 120 credits before discontinuing their studies.

Where Next?

The high-level demand for graduates with this degree makes it an ideal launch pad for a career in finance, management, accountancy, marketing and human resources in both private and public sector organisations. Our graduates leave with crucial business skills, diverse career paths and valuable knowledge and experience of real business environments to thrive in a competitive job market with a fast-paced, ever-changing global economy. Many students continue their studies on either the MSc Business Management course or the MBA course which has a Management and Procurement pathway. Due to the flexible nature of this course, students may enter employment in conjunction with their studies.

Program Admission Requirements

Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.

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