Bachelor's degree in Political Science
Kutna Hora, Czech Republic
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Sep 2024
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The study plan of Political Science is prepared for you at ARC - VŠPSV so that you acquire all the necessary knowledge and skills that you will need for your practice in public administration, in the institutions of the Czech political system or the European Union. The first year is mainly devoted to the socio - economic basis, which is necessary for practice. A qualified political scientist cannot do without basic knowledge of economic processes and concepts, knowledge from psychology, 20th century history or constitutional law is also important for him. You will learn, for example, how the so-called Machiavellian personality manifests itself in politics, how Czech politics in the time of the so-called First Republic differed from the current one, how the inflation or unemployment rate is calculated or how votes for seats in elections to the Chamber of Deputies . In addition to these subjects, you will learn about the history of political theories or methodological issues in our field.
In the second and third year, all students gain knowledge mainly from political science. Of the many courses, you will certainly be interested in International Politics (taught by the Rector of our university, Prof. PhDr. Ján Liďák, CSc.), The course Comparison of Political Systems, in which you will get an overview of the main models of political systems and political institutions in the world. in the Czech Republic. In the third year, you will also devote yourself to your bachelor's thesis, the defense of which is part of the state exams. Language preparation is also an important part of the study - English is a compulsory language, full-time students can also attend Russian, German or French.