Bachelor - Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Almaty, Kazakhstan
4 Years
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Scientific and research activity
At this time, there are four departments in the Institute, which are headed by well-known scientists in the field of mathematics, physics, and computer science. about 100 teachers work at the Institute, including 27 Doctor of Sciences, 50 Candidates of Sciences, and 7 PhDdoctors.
The scientific and pedagogical activity of the institute is aimed at solving urgent problems related to the theory and methodology of teaching mathematics, physics, and computer science, as well as the introduction of new information and communication technologies in the education system.
The issue of developing and adapting pedagogical software for national schools has been singled out as one of the main ones and is in the zone of close attention of the staff of the institute.
Since 2018, the institute. has been actively developing theoretical and practical approaches to the creation and maintenance of the digital university. Another priority of the institute's research is the STEM-education - the association of sciences, aimed at the development of new technologies, innovative thinking, the provision of well-trained engineering personnel. Innovative technologies are being introduced for the development of robotics and mechatronics into the system of higher and postgraduate education in Kazakhstan. At the institute functions a scientific and methodical seminar «Informatization of education and the problem of education» under the guidance of Professor Y.Y. Bidaibekov. successfully works. The dissertational council on defending dissertations for awarding the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), the doctor in profile 6D011100-Education (computer science) was opened, chairman of the Council - professor Y.Y. Bidaibekov.
In institute is functioned the Council for the defense of dissertations for the Ph.D. in profile 6D010000 - «Education (mathematics, physics, informatics, chemistry, biology, geography)» and since 2018 works the Council for profile 6D010000 - «Education (mathematics, physics)», chairman of the Council - professor A.E. Abylkassymova. At the institute, there is a scientific-methodical seminar «Didactic-methodical bases of teaching physical-mathematical disciplines in school and university», under the guidance of Professor A.E. Abylkassymova successfully works.
The scientific-methodical seminar «Modern problems of differential equations of mathematical and computer modeling» under the guidance of Professor Berdyshev A.S. successfully works.
Seminar of the department «Physics» under the guidance of Dr. Sc. V. Kosov.
Scientific and practical conferences are organized for bachelors, master students, and Ph.D., on which it is possible to report their results on scientific research and further participate in republican scientific competitions. Students take prizes in republican scientific competitions and subject Olympiads, actively participate in the scientific and public life of the university. Therearemanyscientific societies, sports sections, clubs of humor.
The Institute is located in a separate building. Its auditorium includes educational and lecture audiences, 10 computer classes, 12 educational laboratories of the physical and technical profile, a reading room and an electronic resources hall, an assembly hall, and STEM-Park. The international scientific laboratory of the problems of informatization of education and educational technologies is working.
Chair of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics Teaching Methods
The Chair «Methods of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics Teaching» (hereinafter - the Chair) was opened in 1942 as the Chair «Methods of MathematicsTeaching». It was headed by A.T. Kalmykov, Associate Professor M.K.Satbaev, Associate Professor B.S.Zhanbyrbaev, Associate Professor M. U . Iskakov, Associate Professor A.A. Bidosov, Associate Professor N.N. Zabezhanskaya, Professor A.Y. Abilkymova, Professor E.B. Shalbaev, associate professor M.Zh. Bekpatshaev, professor S. Aldashev.
From 2013 to the present, the head of the Chair is a doctor of pedagogical sciences, a professor, a corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, an academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Alma Esimbekovna Abylkasymova.
Over the years, well-known methodologists worked on the Chair, such as A. Sabalakov, B. B. Baymukhanov, H. Kurmanalin, S. Elubaev, M. Akhmetov, K. Tuleyeva, K. Shayakhmetova, T. T. other. Their works are «Mathematical methods (methods)» (1989). A. Bidosova, «Modern lesson» (2003), «Theory and methods of mathematics teaching» (in Kazakh, Russian and English) (2013). A. Abylkasymova. E., «Mathematical evening» (1971), «The oldest Kazakh problems and Kazakh mathematicians» (1996), Yelubayeva S., «Theory of Probability and Elements of Mathematical Statistics» (1988)., Zhanbyrbaeva BS, «Mathematical Mosaic» (1997), Zabezhanskii N.N., used by students in the educational process of schools and universities of the republic.
Nowadays, the Chair is staffed with leading methodologists, famous for their scientific schools, international works, educational publications for both schools and the higher education system. Among them are Ph.D., professor, corresponding member of the NAS RK Abylkasymova A.E., d.s.p., professor Alimbekova G.B., d.s.s., Kozybai A.K., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor MK Shuakayev, Ph.D., Professor Shokanov AK, Ph.D., Acting Professor Zhadrayeva L.U. ps, acting Professor Iskakova M.T, Ph.D., Associate Professor Tuyakov E.A, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor KayinbayevZh.T., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Kossanov BM, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences ps, st. prep. Kabulova A.R., Zh. K. Sydykova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Yeraliev S.E., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor ZhunusovaL.Kh., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer Yelemesov K.K., Ph.D.- Nurmuhamedova Zh.M., Ospanbekov E., et al.
The Chair has great scientific potential. The degree in the Chair is 82%. The Chair has 5 doctors of science, 11 candidates of science, 2 doctors of Ph.D., 2 of them doctors, and 7 candidates of science who completed and successfully defended their research work at the dissertation council on the defense of the doctoral (master`s) dissertation in the specialty 13.00.02 - Theory and teaching methods (mathematics, physics, chemistry) (1997-2010), chaired by Professor A.E. Abylkasymova.
The Chair is directly involved in the methodological training of teachers in the specialties of the undergraduate curriculum: "5B010900 - Mathematics", «5B011000 - Physics», «5B011100 - Informatics»; Master`s programs: «6M010900 - Mathematics», «6M011000 - Physics», «6M011200 - Vocational training», and also provides training for doctors Ph.D.: «6D010900- Mathematics», «6D011000 - Physics».
The teaching staff of the Chair read lectures, seminars, and practical classes in all compulsory and major bachelor`s disciplines, such as «Elementary Mathematics», «Scientific Foundations of School Mathematics», «Beginning of Mathematical Analysis», «Practical work on solving mathematical problems», «Methods for solving non-standard problems in mathematics», «Methods of teaching mathematics», «Practical work on methods of teaching mathematics», «Organization of teaching mathematics. Modern lesson», «Profile and level differentiation of teaching mathematics», «Methodical bases of solving problems in mathematics», « History of Mathematics».
The specificity of the Chair is that all the pedagogical practice of bachelors, undergraduates, and doctoral students of Ph.D., conducted in all these specialties, is carried out by experienced teachers and methodologists of our department.
The focus of the Chair: theoretical, scientific, and methodical training of future teachers; fundamental and applied research in the field of education. The faculty of the department actively participates in research projects conducted by MES RK and Abai KazNPU.
Teachers of the Chair annually take advanced training courses and internships abroad (England, Spain, Germany, France, Japan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan), and take part in seminars and conferences devoted to the problems of both school and university education systems. Undergraduates and Ph.D. students, students and specializing in the Chair undergo a scientific internship in universities near and far abroad.
The Chair actively participates in all public events of the university, maintains contact with labor veterans who worked in different years at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics and at the Chair of Mathematics Teaching Methods. (Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Baimukhanov B.B., professor Shalbaev E.B., associate professor Elubaev S., associate professor Shayakhmetova K., associate professors Bekbaulieva Sh., Mendigalieva M., Kaliyeva K.K. other).
In general, the Chair represents a cohesive and actively working team, with sufficient scientific potential, aimed at achieving high results in the preparation of highly qualified specialists - the future teachers of the new generation.