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Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University


Founded in 1928, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University is the largest and leading university in Kazakhstan, one of the centers of the national pedagogical science and culture. High-quality education, a worthy place among the best universities of the republic, and the first place in the ranking of pedagogical universities allow us to set and solve the most important tasks of preparing highly qualified specialists who are able to find their place in the labor market.

Founded in 1928, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University is the largest and leading university in Kazakhstan, one of the centers of the national pedagogical science and culture.

High-quality education, a worthy place among the best universities of the republic, and the first place in the ranking of pedagogical universities allow us to set and solve the most important tasks of preparing highly qualified specialists who are able to find their place in the labor market.

Many of them will become those who will determine the further development strategy of Kazakhstan, write its further history and represent the republic in the world community. Being at the forefront of scientific knowledge, having a great historical and cultural heritage, the university strengthens the status of Kazakhstan education in the world educational space.

Today Abai KazNPU is a diversified center for the training of scientific, scientific, and pedagogical staff and specialists in the field of pedagogical education, economics and business, jurisprudence and international relations, social and political sciences. The main task of the University is the qualitative training of teachers of new formation, competitive, progressive thinking, with creative and constructive attitude to themselves and society.



One of the recognized methods of quality assessment provided by the university educational services are institutional and specialized (program) accreditation.

The University cooperates with foreign (ASIIN, Germany, ACGUIN (Germany), and with Kazakhstan accreditation bodies (IAAR, IQAA). In the period from 2012-2016, ASIIN and ACGUIN accredited 21 educational undergraduate and graduate programs of pedagogical profile. 40 educational programs have been accredited by Kazakhstan`s accreditation agencies; 18 of which in the IAAR and 16 in the IQAA.

At the beginning of the academic year 2019/2020, 61 educational programs (31 bachelor`s, 24 master`s, and 6 doctoral programs) were accredited at Abai KazNPU.

In 2019, the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA) conducted institutional accreditation of the university. The period of validity is until 2024.

In the QS Emerging Europe and Central Asia University Rankings-2021, Abai KazNPU has improved its position: in last year's ranking it was ranked 105th, now it is ranked 82nd.

The Abai KazNPU is annually improving its position among the world`s leading universities. According to the results of QS World University Rankings-2021 in the world ranking QS among pedagogical universities of Abai KazNPU is in the TOP 5 best pedagogical universities of the world, taking 601-650th places. (2019 - 561-570th place, 2018 - 481st place, 2017 - 491st place). In the ranking among higher education institutions of Kazakhstan, Abai University was ranked sixth.

In the ranking of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Ranking 2020, Abai KazNPU was ranked among the top four higher education institutions in the country. Among the pedagogical universities, our university took first place.

In the institutional ranking of universities in the directions of educational programs of the bachelor`s degree in the final indicators (24345) also took first place among the higher education institutions of Kazakhstan.

According to the rating of NAKO in the national ranking of the best pedagogical universities of the country, Abai KazNPU took first place with a final score of 98.71%. According to the results in the ranking of NAKO the official website of the university took an honorable fifth place among 101 higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the category of pedagogical universities of the country - first place.

In 2018 the website of Abai KazNPU was included in the top ten best university websites (in 2018 the website took 9th place, 2016 - 26th place, in 2014 - 20th place, in 2013 - 25th place).

Strategic Development Plan

According to the Strategic Development Plan of Abai KazNPU until 2025 and the implementation of the MES RK project «Development of an educational hub in Central Asia and modernization of science», the main goal is to make the university international in spirit and composition, for which it is necessary: to increase the number of students and teachers in English up to 30% of the total number of PPS and students, the number of contracts with universities from the TOP-500 - up to 25; the contingent of students under the academic mobility program - up to 6.5%; to introduce double degree educational programs.

Today international cooperation is becoming more and more important in the activity of the university. Abai KazNPU is a collective member of 11 prestigious international organizations. It has concluded 160 agreements with universities in 33 countries, including 15 agreements with those in the TOP 500 of the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU). Among them are such partner universities: Cambridge University, University of Pennsylvania, University of Sussex, Beijing United University, Sorbonne Paris Cité University, and others.

One of the tasks of a modern university is the development of internationalization in all fields of activity: educational, scientific, extra-curricular. The more authoritative and prestigious the university, the higher its ratings, academic and scientific reputation in the international educational space.

Within the limits of the program of internationalization, one of which basic components are the attraction of foreign students, foreign citizens, and persons without citizenship are accepted in university in the order established by the legislation of RK on a contractual basis, and also under the international contracts ratified in RK.

In the 2019-2020 academic year, 406 foreign students from China, South Korea, Mongolia, Vietnam, Congo, Nigeria, and the CIS countries study at KazNPU, which is 3.9% of the total contingent. Their successful adaptation to the educational space is largely determined by the socio-cultural conditions and internal factors of the educational environment, the organization of psychological and pedagogical support. To this end, the University has established the Center for Adaptation and Support of Foreign Students «International students council office», the institutes (faculty) have a curator system, a program of volunteers from among foreign students of Kazakhstani universities and Kazakhstani students studying in foreign universities is being introduced.

As part of the program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for attracting foreign specialists, 35 universities participated in lecturing: 2 universities from the USA (7%), 11 universities of Europe (31%), from Asia (11-31%); from Russia - 11 (31%).


Our Values

  • We prepare 21st-century teachers following the latest teaching approaches and programs.
  • Our graduates are professionals who are ready to anticipate the fast-changing demands of current school students.
  • Our enterprise culture and infrastructure are fully conducive to unlock student's potential.


The motivation for the teaching staff and staff of the university is the results of passing competitions and obtaining scholarships in various international educational organizations. The mobility of teaching staff and staff at the university is implemented through short-term seminars, educational modules, international programs Tempus, Erasmus+, the grant Best Teacher, etc.

The number of teachers and staff traveling abroad (participation in seminars, forums, etc.) in the 2018-2019 academic year was 111 people, of which: 6 lectures, scientific internships - 47, professional development - 28, participation in scientific and practical conferences - 30. In the 2018-2019 academic year, 110 university teachers conduct classes in English, 18 of them, trained under the Bolashak program.

One of the cultural and educational initiatives of the university is to popularize the cultural heritage of the great Kazakh thinker Abay Kunanbayev.

Abai KazNPU initiated the opening of 5 international educational centers named after Abai - in China, Vietnam, Turkey, Russia:

  • The Abay Center at Ili Pedagogical University (PRC);
  • Center of Culture and Science named after Abai in Ho Chi Minh City Pedagogical University (Vietnam);
  • The Abay Center of the Kazakh Language and Culture at the University of Erzincan (Turkey).
  • The Abai Center of Culture and Science at the Hanoi National Pedagogical University (Vietnam);
  • Abai Kazakh-Russian Center of Science and Culture at Moscow State Pedagogical University (Moscow).

The mission of cultural and educational centers is to popularize the heritage of Abay Kunanbayev, to conduct various seminars, exercises in regional studies, culture, and history of Kazakhstan. The activity of the Abai centers contribute to the integration into the international scientific and educational space, the implementation of the image policy, and the promotion of Abai KazNPU abroad.

Educational and scientific work of the students is organized in the 7 institutes: Pedagogy and Psychology, Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Philology and Multilingual Education, Arts, Culture and Sport, Natural Sciences and Geography, History and Law, Sorbonne-Kazakhstan.

An important event in the life of the University was the opening of the Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute - a branch of the Sorbonne-Paris University, which has over 800 years of history.

December 6, 2014, thanks to the direct support of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev and President of the French Republic François Hollande, there was opened a «golden bridge», strengthening Kazakh-French cooperation in scientific, educational, and cultural fields, - Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute, which indicates the high importance of the joint educational project for both countries. This is the second in the world and only in Central Asia branch of the Higher Education Research Center « Sorbonne Paris Cité» (PRES Sorbonne Paris Cité). The implementation of this international project by Abai KazNPU will undoubtedly expand the possibility of obtaining a prestigious European education, not only for the people of Kazakhstan and the countries of Central Asia but also for the whole Eurasian continent.

Educational activity at Abai KazNPU is conducted on 280 programs of higher and postgraduate education, including in the following specialties: Baccalaureate 131; magistracy - 93; doctoral studies - 56.

Educational work at the university is carried out according to the «Mentoring System» instead of traditional supervision. The peculiarity of this system is the participation of the entire teaching staff and staff in educating students, which ensures 100% coverage of students. Each teacher and employee is a mentor to 5 students during the entire period of study. The result of the current mentoring system is that in the past five years no student has committed any crimes.

One of the tasks of a modern high school is the development of internationalization in all areas of activity: educational, scientific, extracurricular.

The university has a modern material and technical base. The educational process is conducted in 12 academic buildings with a total area of 55 thousand square meters. This - 24 computer classes, 15 - language laboratories, 45 - training and scientific laboratories, 44- workshops, 38- interactive audiences.

The reading rooms of the university library work not only in educational buildings but also in student dormitories. The library fund is more than 1 700 000 copies. It concentrates on textbooks, teaching aids, monographs, wonderful examples of fiction. The library also concentrates the richest fund of world fiction and rare editions of the 18th - early 20th centuries, in foreign languages.

The area of sports facilities is more than 100 thousand m2. At the students` disposal, there are sports and gyms, a football field, and running tracks of the Spartak sports complex for active recreation and a healthy lifestyle.

The university has a health center for the provision of preventive and emergency medical care. According to the results of the annual comprehensive medical examinations, the overall incidence rate of students at Abai KazNPU currently has a tendency to decrease.

An important issue is the organization of student meals, which is under special and constant control. In the academic buildings, there are canteens and buffets with a total area of about a thousand square meters.

Psychological Service Office was opened to provide consultative and corrective work among the students.

Today on the balance of the university there are 5 comfortable dormitories with a total area of more than 17 thousand square meters, with access to Wi-Fi.

Abai KazNPU in 2025: The leader of teacher education in the CIS!

Our corporate culture and infrastructure are conducive to the full unlocking of students.

Transforming the results of advanced research in the field of pedagogy, teaching methods, and teaching technologies into the best educational programs, the University enhances the prestige of the teaching profession and becomes a powerful driver for the development of the country.

Based on the most advanced techniques and programs we are preparing teachers of the XXI century! Our graduates are professionals who are ready to anticipate the rapidly changing needs of modern students.

  • Almaty

    050010, Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty, Dostyk Ave., 13, , Almaty

    Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University