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愛知工科大学of愛知工科大学has the power ("motivation" and "motivation") necessary to achieve the educational goal "independence and realization of dreams" through collaborative learning in which students face each other to discuss, interact, and understand each other and learn while teaching each other. We accept a wide range of people who have the motivation to grow themselves and basic academic ability (mathematical exploration ability, reading comprehension ability, scientific thinking ability) by acquiring "humanity" and "ability").

Mathematical exploration power:
Students are required to take and acquire a group of mathematical subjects in high school with the ability to find out the characteristics of the problem, use the relevant mathematical knowledge and logical ability, and solve the problem.

Reading comprehension:
Students are required to take and acquire Japanese and English in high school with the ability to understand, use, and ponder Japanese or English textbooks.

Scientific thinking:
Students are required to take or acquire chemistry or physics in high school with the ability to use scientific knowledge to clarify issues and draw evidence-based conclusions.

  • Gamagori

    愛知県蒲郡市西迫町馬乗50-2, 443-0047, Gamagori
