Bachelor Programs in Romania 2025
Universitatea De Vest Din Timisoara
Bachelor in Computer Science
- Timișoara, Romania
Full time
3 years
The main mission of this undergraduate program is to prepare specialists who have a solid knowledge of Computer Science and the ability to apply it in solving computational problems arising in various fields. The program aims to provide the knowledge and skills that will allow graduates easy integration into the IT industry, as well as the opportunity to continue their professional training through master’s degree programs and subsequent integration into research activities in the field of Computer Science.
University of Oradea
Bachelor in Robotics
- Oradea, Romania
Full time
4 years
The mission of the Robotics study program in the domain of Mechatronics and Robotics is to train production and research engineers in the field of robotics, providing students with high-level skills that enable them to design robotic equipment and systems, from simple and complex, to integrate robotics in flexible manufacturing systems, to program and lead integrated computer production systems and solve application and research problems specific to the field of mechatronics and robotics.
University of Bucharest
Degree in Political Science, specialization in Political Science in French
- Bucharest, Romania
Full time
3 years
A long-time central pillar of the Faculty, the French-speaking sector, which received definitive accreditation from the Romanian authorities of higher education in 1997, has been operating continuously since 1991 and has had a decisive impact on the recruitment policy of the university. institution.
Faculty of Business - Babeș-Bolyai University
Bachelor in Business Administration in Hospitality Services
- Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Full time
3 years
Are you attracted to the business administration, hospitality and tourism industry? If the answer is YES, then the Business Administration in Hospitality Services specialization is perfect for you.
Babeș-Bolyai University - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Bachelor in Business Management
- Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Full time
3 years
The aims of the specialization are orientated towards the training of specialists in the field of business administration who have internationally recognized competences. We would like to provide our students with an economics training in management and corporate governance, which requires a sound and practical teaching. Among other things, we try to achieve this goal through fundamental and well-founded knowledge of corporate management and information technology.
Valahia University of Targoviste
Bachelor in Multimedia Systems Engineering
- Târgoviște, Romania
Full time
4 years
English, Romanian
The didactic mission is oriented toward the training of engineers in the field of Multimedia Systems Engineering able to capitalize on their skills in industry, science, education, and other economic-social fields. In particular, the program has as its mission the specialization of technical higher education graduates in the field of advanced graphics, multimedia, and virtual reality technologies.
“1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia
BSc in Computer Science
- Alba Iulia, Romania
Full time
3 years
The undergraduate study program - Computer Science - is one of the best opportunities for socio-professional integration of graduates in the field of exact sciences. As a result of repeated requests of foreign citizens to study Computer Science in a foreign language, the Computer Science in English program capitalizes on the development of the Department of Exact Sciences and Engineering by attracting international students.
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University Of Iasi
Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunication Technologies and Systems
- Iași, Romania
Full time
4 years
This program is organized by the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology of Iasi, Romania. The program focuses on telecommunication technologies and systems, including both fundamentals and specialized topics related to modern applications.
Faculty of Agriculture - Banat University Of Agricultural Sciences And Veterinary Medicine Timisoara
Bachelor in Agriculture
- Timișoara, Romania
Full time
4 years
The training objectives specific to the specialization Agriculture are generated by the fulfillment and implementation of the following three objectives: 1. Cognitive objectives 2. Applied objectives 3. Communicational and relational objectives
Romanian-American University
Bachelor in Computer Science for Economics
- Bucharest, Romania
Full time
The Computer Science for Economics Bachelor program from the School of Computer Science for Business Management is a three-year program that prepares you for database administration, programming, software design, web design and network administration.
Danubius University
International Relations and European Studies
- Galați, Romania
Full time
3 years
English, Romanian
Through this program the Danubius University takes the mission of preparing specialists, researchers and leaders in the management field from the East and South-East regions of the country, getting involved in debates and society projects, in shaping a new frame of development in a European context.
Spiru Haret University
Bachelor and Integrated Master - Architecture
- Bucharest, Romania
Full time
6 years
Architectural design I, Architectural design II, Study of form and composition I, Study of form
Technical University Of Cluj-Napoca
Bachelor's Degree in Electrotechnics
- Bună Ziua, Romania
This program is part of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering
University Of Agricultural Sciences And Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca
Bachelor of Food Engineering
- Bună Ziua, Romania
The Bachelor's degree programme INGINERIA OF FOOD PRODUCTS has as its general objective the training of technological specialists in the field of food industry; this program has been operating since 2009, being accredited in 2015 and has a duration of 4 years of studies, a day course with 240 credits, according to the Bologna Agreement.
DeSales University
Bachelor of Arts - Communication
- Center Valley, USA
- Bucharest, Romania + 1 more
You'll have amazing opportunities to gain real-life experience as an intern, develop an extensive portfolio of your work, and establish professional networking contacts.