Bachelor Programs in Indonesia 2025
Undiknas University
Bachelor's Degree in Accounting
- Denpasar Selatan, Indonesia
Full time
4 years
How would it sound to complete a full degree on the paradise island of Bali? Now it finally is possible! Undiknas University, the best private university in Eastern Indonesia, offers international full-degree programs in Accounting. Applying is extremely easy, and you can get confirmation of your study placement as quickly as one day.
Universitas Gadjah Mada
International Undergraduate Program (IUP) in Environmental Geography
- Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Full time
8 semesters
Our international undergraduate program in Environmental Geography at the Faculty of Geography is committed to becoming a centre of excellence in geography and environmental science, achieving international academic standards. We aim to provide high-quality education, foster groundbreaking research and offer impactful community service, addressing environmental issues at both local and global levels.
President University
Bachelor in Accounting
- Bekasi, Indonesia
Full time
4 years
The objectives of the Accounting Study Program are as follows: Produce graduates who can meet the needs of the business world and public agencies; Produce alumni who have leadership and entrepreneurial spirit; Produce research and works that are beneficial to the community published in national and international scientific journals; and
School of Business and Management ITB
Bachelor of Entrepreneurship
- Bandung, Indonesia
- Jakarta, Indonesia
Full time
3 years
A comprehensive curriculum which includes studying, putting into practice and developing the science of the cycle of building a business enterprise,beginning with the identification of opportunities, devising creative concepts, planning the enterprise, and establishing it in its initial stages right up to the point of building upon innovative ideas having calculated the relevant risks.
IPMI International Business School
Bachelor of Business Administration
- Jakarta, Indonesia
Full time
The Bachelor Degree program at IPMI International Business School is designed to equip all of our students with: - Awareness of global outlook with real international participation experience at entry level. - Mastery of high performance entrepreneurial tasks as young professionals. - Work-ready skills for first vacancy or venture, life and career planning also multiple experiences in delivering client values.
Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences (i3L)
Bachelor in Food Technology
- Jakarta, Indonesia
Full time
The Food Technology program at i3L aims to satisfy the needs of the society for sustainable food quality, safety, and security. This field applies the principles of science to ensure safe manufacture, packaging, and distribution. Students will complete a rigorous scientific curriculum that balances classroom lectures with practical sessions in our state-of-the-art laboratories. The Food Innovation Centre allows students to have training in our modern, on-campus food processing facilities. We strongly encourage our students to create innovative food products.
Binus University
International Business Program
- Jakarta, Indonesia
The 3+1 program enables students to undergo a 3-year on-campus learning and a 1-year off-campus experience. In contrast, the 2+2 program facilitates students to take the first two years in Binus International and the last two years at a chosen partner university. The four-year study program is intended to equip students with the fundamentals of international business and management competencies while emphasizing the understanding of doing business in an international context, combined with in-depth cultural experience.
UIC College
Bachelor of Science, Engineering & Math
- RT.13, Indonesia
Prepare for a career working with potentially groundbreaking problems and projects! Test, question, discover, problem-solve and work collaboratively with a group of peers. In the Science, Engineering & Math area of study there's lots of opportunity for hands-on learning.
Universitas Syiah Kuala
Bachelor in Computer Engineering
- Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Full time
4 years
English, Indonesian
The Computer Engineering study program Universitas Syiah Kuala was established on 20 January 2016 by the Ministry of Education decree no 46/KPT/I/2016 with “B” accreditation. The establishment of this program is part of updating scientific fields to deal with the rapid flow of developments in information and communication technology and the high level of global competition in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era. The Computer Engineering Study Program cover the design and engineering of computer systems and computer-based systems. The Computer Engineering has 3 (three) areas of specialization (expertise), namely: Embedded Systems, Computer Networks and HPC, and Multimedia Technology. The program's scientific studies include software development, with a focus on software design and engineering as an interface for digital devices (hardware) with users and with other devices (users). The Computer Engineering curriculum places more emphasis on hardware than software and/or there is a possibility of a balanced emphasis. Nevertheless, it still has a strong sense of engineering.
Universitas Prasetiya Mulya
Bachelors in Financial Technology
- Jakarta, Indonesia
Full time
4 years
Distance Learning, On-Campus
Universitas Prasetiya Mulya has recognized the immediate needs in the amidst of financial service revolution. Financial Technoloy Bachelor’s Degree Program (S1) in Finance and Banking has the goals to produce undergraduates who have the desire and skills to create creative innovations in the financial sectors.
University Of Muhammadiyah Malang
Bachelor of English Language Education
- Malang, Indonesia
Full time
The English Language Education Department (ELED) is designed for millennials who are creative, global-minded and adaptive to advances in science and technology. ELED prepares eLedears (ELED students) to be ready to work in academic and non-academic environments with national and global competitiveness.
Mercu Buana University
Bachelor's Degree in Psychology
- Jakarta, Indonesia
The Faculty of Psychology was founded in 2005 based on the spirit of building the image of Mercu Buana University as a center of excellence, progress and benefit for the development of professional human resources of international quality.
University Of Pasundan Bandung
Bachelor's Degree in International Relations
- Bandung, Indonesia
Educate students to become scholars, scientists, and experts in the field of international relations who have the quality of readiness to reach the highest degrees in their fields of science and profession, and have the quality of readiness and workability in every social and state technology, both on a national and international scale.
Pradita University
Bachelor's Degree in Retail Management
- Serpong Sub-District, Indonesia
Program studi Retail Management di Pradita University berkomitmen melengkapi mahasiswa dengan keterampilan dan pengetahuan untuk merancang, mengelola dan mengembangkan bisnis ritel baik secara online, offline maupun gabungan keduanya (omni channel retail).
Batam International University
Bachelor of Accounting
- Batam, Indonesia
Batam International University Accounting study program is a study program that nurtures professional graduates in financial accounting with leadership and entrepreneurial spirit. The program provides an understanding of the theories and concepts in accounting, especially accounting finance, accounting management, taxation, and accounting checks.