Bachelor Programs in Argentina 2025
Instituto Universitario Escuela Argentina De Negocios
Licenciatura en Administración de Negocios Internacionales
- Buenos Aires, Argentina
Full time
4 years
Los profesionales en Negocios Internacionales están preparados para desempeñarse tanto en empresas que operen en un entorno global y regional –nacionales o extranjeras- como en instituciones gubernamentales y privadas, que brinden servicios de apoyo e inteligencia económica y comercial a la operatoria internacional.
University of the East (Universidad del Este (UDE))
A degree in Journalism
- La Plata, Argentina
Distance Learning
Career objectives Offer a training of professionals who are capable of investigating, analyzing and making known the facts of public interest, based on the needs of people and organizations in a democratic society, in the sense that those events, social and cultural processes, economic and political, end up having an impact on the personal and collective life of a community. Promote the development of skills that allow them to perform as specialists in topics related to the media and social communication techniques.
Universidad Nacional De Formosa Argentina
Bachelor of Agricultural Business Administration
- Avenida Doctor Luis Gutniski, Argentina
Promote and disseminate, from a scientific perspective, original articles, scientific and technological research works that promote their development in the academic, national, and international scientific School, in the permanent search for excellence that society as whole demands.
Universidad Nacional de Chilecito
Mechatronics Engineering
- Buenos Aires, Argentina
Mechatronics is a new area of Engineering, born from the combination of precision mechanics, electronics, automatic control and information technology for the design of processes and products as a result of the advancement of technology in the productive sector. Thus, Mechatronics Engineering trains professionals who are capable of conceiving, designing, developing and automating programmable and intelligent products or processes, applied to high-tech equipment to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of industries. What are you going to learn during the race? By studying Mechatronics you will receive comprehensive training in electronic, mechanical and industrial computer engineering. Through the different subjects that this multidiscipline combines, you will develop skills to be able to design, develop, optimize and automate equipment, processes or high technology and "intelligence" products; to improve productivity and competitiveness of industries.
Universidad Fasta Distancia
Degree in human resources
- Mar del Plata, Argentina
The Bachelor in Human Resources works managing the actors of an organization, maintaining harmony between people's behavior and organizational objectives. The professional occupies a fundamental role because he has the main responsibility in the planning, selection, training, motivation, and evaluation of performance; organizing and coordinating interpersonal relationships, and implementing actions to prevent and/or solve organizational conflicts. The development and exercise of the profession can be done as: • HR Manager of an organization. • Consultant in the Human Capital Management Area. • External consultant for the preparation and conduct of personnel selection programs. • Coordinator of relations between Companies and Organizations for the control of Labor Areas and Social Security. • Advisor in the definition of salary policies and design of remuneration plans. • Facilitator of training programs. The basic cycle (1st and 2nd year) of the Study Plan for this career contains subjects common to those of Public Accountant and Business Administration. The third and fourth are specific to the race.
Universidad Fasta
University Technician in Journalism
- Mar del Plata, Argentina
The University Technician in Journalism can be studied in the face-to-face modality at the Headquarters of the city of Mar del Plata. Allows, in turn, articulation with L Licenciatura in Journalism offering students an innovative, completely distant in 4 years and may be able to have two titles. The University Technician in Journalism graduated from FASTA University works as a journalist both in the conventional media (radio, television, or the written press) and in the new media that are developed in the context of the Internet (blog, tv in Internet, social networks). You can manage your own projects, taking into account the commercial variables and the market context where it operates, with the necessary linguistic, oral, and written skills. The objective is to provide the student with a short career (2 and a half years), with much emphasis on journalistic practice and a perspective of the construction of the profession from the management of the appropriate tools to intervene in the journalistic field, providing it in addition to aspects normative, pragmatic and discursive that can promote better communication through various channels and media. Taking into account that the communications market, in recent years, has turned to content production, which has become one of the most important segments of the communications industry, this career has a clear profile oriented towards the practice of the media respecting this vision. The career accredits students in a solid theoretical-practical preparation that guarantees professional practice in a responsible, ethical, and humane manner, supported by rigorous academic training and specifically inclined to teach work for the media, such as radio, the TV, and print media ( newspapers and magazines ), but also for the Internet, which is the platform more perspective on cultural consumption in the future.
NOUN Eventos
Professional Training in Events Tourism
- Buenos Aires, Argentina
The movement of people who moved from one place to another with reasons not related to their vacations was the fundamental basis of the beginning of tourism. In the middle of the 20th century with the beginning of the fever of congresses, conventions, fairs, etc. tourism multiplied, and for this concept alone millions of people travel around the world today. That is why we propose this training to all those interested in the design and coordination of tourism ventures are: OPE (professional event organizer) Travel agents, guides, and tourism technicians Hoteliers, inn and/or ranch owners, and managers of thermal complexes The administrative staff of the secretariats of provincial tourism and business in general.
Mausi Sebess
Professional Baker
- Vicente López, Argentina
Distance Learning
Become a Professional Baker of excellence with the most complete program in Latin America in an accelerated way in just 5 months. You will learn to make all kinds of variety of national and international bread, as well as modern and avant-garde creations. The course should be complemented with our book "Professional Bakery Techniques" written by Paulo Sebess, our director, an expert in international bakery and winner of international awards. The classes are 100% online, with step-by-step explanations and recorded in high-definition videos so you don't miss a single detail of the preparations and techniques. You will also complement your learning with the Safety and Hygiene courses in the workplace and food handling, Nutrition, Pizzas, and Empanadas. Mausi Sebess is the only institute to deliver MasterChef Certificates.
Escuela de Artes Visuales Martin A. Malharro
- Buenos Aires, Argentina
Understand the management of scenographic space based on text, producing a comprehensive aesthetic sense. Professional development in official and independent theater companies, official theaters, state organizations, television studios, film production companies. This action can take place in different moments of creative work: design, realization, assembly, finish.
ABM Instituto
Clothing Design
- Buenos Aires, Argentina
The Clothing Design career is a Three-year Higher Technique with a face-to-face modality. The graduate of the Higher Technique in Clothing Design will be qualified to work as designers and as fashion producers in parades, aesthetic samples, or any event related to fashion; and also in technical areas: making molds, making garments, geometric shapes, and working with technical sheets of various formats as specialized craftsmen. The Clothing Design career aims to optimize the dictation sequences of the various thematic axes from the study of cultural, functional, technological, expressive, ergonomic, ecological, economic, and commercial aspects that satisfy the needs of clothing and the clothing industry. clothing, that contributes to the integral progress of society.
The National University of Santiago del Estero
Bachelor of Nursing
- Santiago del Estero, Argentina
The Bachelor's Degree in Nursing has been operating within the scope of the UNSE since 1977. It originated as a response to Santiago del Estero's socio-health need for nursing professionals. It has a duration of five years, with a basic cycle of three years that allows it to obtain an intermediate degree of Nurse.
University of the Merchant Navy (Universidad de la Marina Mercante (UdeMM))
- Buenos Aires, Argentina
• Analyze market studies. • Develop promotion strategies and distribution channels for products and services. • Prepare projects for industrial, mining and agricultural, commercial, energy, transport, and infrastructure policies. • Advise on market conditions.
National University Villa Maria
Bachelor of Audiovisual Design and Production
- Villa María, Argentina
The International Master in Food Technology (MITA) aims to contribute to the academic training of professionals in the sector in the food industry, integrate a solid training in scientific and technological areas, and provide extensive training for analysis, the evaluation, design, development, planning, and implementation of all activities related to the handling of different types of food, whether processing or services.
University of the Latin American Educational Centre (Universidad del Centro Educativo Latinoamericano (UCEL))
Bachelor of Hotel Administration
- Rosario, Argentina
The degree is aimed at training professionals capable of efficiently managing the transformations and changes in which the hospitality industry sector is immersed. Based on this, the Bachelor's Degree seeks to facilitate students the acquisition of knowledge and techniques that allow them to develop management skills, deepen the analysis of the environment of this growing industrial sector, carry out internal diagnoses aimed at formulating and implementing strategies that allow generate and sustain competitive advantages.
University Of Buenos Aires (UBA)
Bachelor of Economics
- Buenos Aires, Argentina
Training: Training favors theoretical aspects, but integrating them with questions methodological and with analysis of the world reality and, preferably, national. The specificity of university training is to raise and discuss theoretical visions but to study their relevance. Also in economic theory - microeconomics, macroeconomics, growth, and development, theory monetary, public finances - training is based (given the social perspective indicated) on other disciplines. Knowledge of the institutions of law that preside over public life; of the history of the world economy and of our country; of sociological theory as a specific contribution to knowledge of the social whole; economic geography and comparative analysis of systems and operating models of different economies as an avenue to contemporary reality. Mathematics training is a central requirement, therefore, in the General Cycle of the Bachelor's Degree, includes the study of subjects that constitute the proper language of economists and whose Knowledge enables analysis, understanding, and communication between professionals.