Bachelor Programs in Algeria 2025
Ecole Supérieure Ouverte à Distance
Diplôme Européen d’Etudes Supérieures tourisme et hôtellerie
- France Online, France
- Belgium Online, Belgium + 13 more
Full time
Distance Learning
The holder of DEESTH - Hospitality Travel creates and markets tourism products, be it travel deals or receptions venues. He knows the main attractions and sights of different countries to write a travel program, design a route and a circuit program.
Ecole Supérieure Ouverte à Distance
Diplôme Européen d’Etudes Supérieures techniques de l'environnement
- France Online, France
- Belgium Online, Belgium + 13 more
Full time
Distance Learning
Ecole Supérieure Ouverte à Distance
Diplôme Européen d’Etudes Supérieures ressources humaines
- France Online, France
- Belgium Online, Belgium + 13 more
Full time
Distance Learning
Ecole Supérieure Ouverte à Distance
Diplôme Européen d’Etudes Supérieurs en communication
- France Online, France
- Belgium Online, Belgium + 13 more
Full time
Distance Learning
The DEESCOM, Communications bachelor, prepares students for junior product manager functions, assistant (e) communication assistant (e) operational marketing, responsible (e) communication within medium to large organizations.
Ecole Supérieure Ouverte à Distance
Diplôme Européen d’Etudes Supérieures gestion de PME
- France Online, France
- Belgium Online, Belgium + 13 more
Full time
Distance Learning
Ecole Supérieure Ouverte à Distance
Diplôme Européen d’Etudes Supérieures Finances
- France Online, France
- Belgium Online, Belgium + 13 more
Full time
Distance Learning
Ecole Supérieure Ouverte à Distance
Diplôme Européen d’Etudes Supérieures assistant(e) de direction
- France Online, France
- Belgium Online, Belgium + 13 more
Full time
Distance Learning
Ecole Supérieure Ouverte à Distance
Diplôme Européen d’Etudes Supérieures qualité, sécurité, environnement
- France Online, France
- Belgium Online, Belgium + 13 more
Full time
Distance Learning
ESMAC : École Supérieure des Métiers des Arts appliqués et de la Culture
Bachelor Cultural Mediation
- France Online, France
- Belgium Online, Belgium + 17 more
Part time
3 years
Distance Learning
The PROFESSIONAL BACHELOR SDS® CULTURAL MEDIATION is a European diploma issued by INSHED. The training allows you to be professionally operational from the start of your career and to benefit from good employability, even beyond your country of origin.
ESMAC : École Supérieure des Métiers des Arts appliqués et de la Culture
Bachelor Art Market
- France Online, France
- Belgium Online, Belgium + 17 more
Part time
3 years
Distance Learning
The PROFESSIONAL BACHELOR SDS® ART MARKET is a European diploma issued by INSHED. The training allows you to be professionally operational from the start of your career and to benefit from good employability, even beyond your country of origin.
MDI-Algiers Business School
Bachelor of Business Administration
- Chéraga, Algeria
The license in Business Management is a generalist training, endowed with an important multidisciplinary base which brings the fundamental knowledge in management. Its objective is the acquisition of knowledge and methods allowing to consider professional integration into middle management positions, or the pursuit of master's studies.
Ecole Supérieure Ouverte à Distance
Diplôme Européen d’Etudes Supérieures gestion et management de la distribution
- France Online, France
- Belgium Online, Belgium + 13 more
Full time
Distance Learning
ESMAC : École Supérieure des Métiers des Arts appliqués et de la Culture
Bachelor Photography
- France Online, France
- Belgium Online, Belgium + 17 more
Part time
3 years
Distance Learning
The PROFESSIONAL BACHELOR SDS® PHOTOGRAPHY is a European diploma issued by INSHED. The training allows you to be professionally operational from the start of your career and to benefit from good employability, even beyond your country of origin.
Campus Strat@innov
Bachelor Cycle BAC +3
- Paris, France
- Chéraga, Algeria + 1 more
Full time
3 years
Distance Learning
French, English
Campus Strat@innov Bachelor of "Business Unit Development Manager in Euro-Mediterranean" is a high-level program delivered over 3 years, based on recognized teaching and active pedagogy. Studying internationally on one of our campuses means obtaining the double diploma from Campus Strat@innov of “Business Unit Development Manager in Euro-Mediterranean” backed by a recognized level 6 title, registered with of France Compétences. You can integrate the world of work or continue your course towards a Bac + 5. These are the advantages offered by the Bachelor of Campus Strat@innov .
MDI-Algiers Business School
Bachelor in Management
- Chéraga, Algeria
The main objective of the bachelor's degree in management is to allow students to acquire fundamental knowledge in management and to master the concepts necessary for understanding and taking charge of the various functions of the company: management, accounting, finance , marketing, HR ...