36 programs in Mexico City
- Bachelor
- BSc
- BA
- Mexico
- Mexico City
36 programs in Mexico City
Tecnológico de Monterrey
Bachelor in International Business
- Monterrey, Mexico
- Guadalajara, Mexico + 2 more
Full time
8 semesters
Spanish, English
The current business environment is dynamic and unpredictable and, therefore, requires clear, comprehensive insight. As a result, as a B.A. in International Business, you will be able to generate growth by identifying business opportunities and risks in a global ecosystem, interacting with people from different cultures, and handling digital tools to design competitive strategies that meet clients’ needs.
Vatel Mexico
Bachelor of Hotel Business Administration
- Mexico City, Mexico
The Bachelor of Hotel Business Administration program is aimed at candidates who have successfully passed baccalaureate studies and has the ultimate goal of training future professionals in Operational Management for any hotel department and the hospitality industry. The duration of the program is 3 years and is combined with 16 months of internships in hotels of superior category and with international standards. In this way, they acquire experiences related to the reality of their future profession and develop skills for teamwork.
Universidad Abierta Y A Distancia De México
Bachelor of Public Safety
- Mexico City, Mexico
To train competent professionals with a high sense of responsibility, ethics, and service attitude, based on an integrated curriculum with content from various disciplines that converge in the study, analysis, prevention, and treatment of the criminal phenomenon, helping in the design of alternatives for prevention and solution of the security needs of Mexican society, maintaining public order and protecting the interests and social welfare, within the framework of respect for Human Rights.
Instituto Cientifico Tecnico y Educativo ICTE
- Mexico City, Mexico
The profession of public accounting is a permanent activity that is dedicated to obtaining and verifying financial information issued by economic entities, it also develops activities such as financial planning and control, compliance with tax obligations, administration consulting, and teaching, among other Applicants for the accounting degree must have a great sense of responsibility, concentration capacity, a clear mind, and a good response under pressure; be lovers of numbers, methodical, rigorous, and with projection.
Universidad Ítaca
Online Bachelor of Industrial Engineering
- Mexico City, Mexico
Full time, Part time
3 years
Distance Learning
By studying a Bachelor of Industrial Engineering online you will increase the productivity and efficiency of each of the industrial processes of a company. Become a true Bachelor of Industrial Engineering mastering all the areas of the company that are within your reach. Manage computer technology - hardware and software - necessary for their professional life in solving scientific and technological problems of Industrial Engineering. Prepare and interpret plans for different branches of engineering with specifications for industrial parts and specialized equipment in manufacturers' manuals and catalogs. Use the appropriate software for computer-aided drawing. Apply the techniques of the study of times and movements to a production system, in order to optimize it. Develop safety and hygiene programs focused on the prevention of occupational injuries and illnesses, as well as the conservation of the environment. Develop the process of generation and distribution of electrical energy. Supervise industrial electrical installations and the main electrical and electronic control devices used in automated production processes. Determine time standards, simplify work, structure salary and incentive systems, and design workstations. Apply the fundamental principles of administration in organizations through the practice of the administrative process. Use forecasting and capacity planning techniques. Make decisions in the administration of systems for the production of goods and services. Apply inventory and warehouse management techniques to optimize storage systems. Apply the main tools of statistical quality control in products, processes and systems, for continuous improvement and decision making. Manage projects on time and cost. Apply the techniques to develop production plans and programs and control their execution according to schedule. Prepare the supply programs for the materials required for production, in the quantities and at the required time, that allow the reduction of costs related to inventories. Prepare machine load schedules and staff work schedules. Apply the evaluation criteria for the analysis to investment projects for decision making. Apply the techniques for the design, efficient administration and improvement of the supply chain of any organization.
Eleia Centre of Psychological Activities (Centro Eleia Actividades Psicológicas)
- Mexico City, Mexico
At Centro Eleia you can fully develop your vocation as a psychologist. We train psychologists with an excellent academic level, vast experience and solid professional ethics. You will carry out 60% of practices during the entire degree from the second semester. The practical stays are supervised. There is always a teacher who accompanies you and solves your doubts. Some of the institutions where you can carry out your practical stays are: - National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition - National Institute of Perinatology - National Institute of Neurology - National institute of pediatrics - CRIT - State of Mexico - Spanish Hospital - Private Children's Hospital - General Hospital of Mexico - Juan N. Navarro Children's Psychiatric Hospital - South Medical Hospital - SAPTEL - ENEP Acatlán - National and transnational companies - Nurseries and educational centers of the highest prestige
Centre for Studies in Communication Sciences (Centro de Estudios en Ciencias de la Comunicación)
Bachelor of Film and Television
- Mexico City, Mexico
Look around you: there are screens everywhere. Not only that: you have one in your pocket that the world is changing, it is becoming global, it is communicating socially and not individually. Screens convey increasingly creative, surprising, and powerful messages. Screens rule the world - if you study film at CECC, you will be able to dominate them, producing strategic and creative speeches. The work in our schools is practical and creative, so it breaks with most other academic schemes. The programs and class dynamics are the same as in the professional environment, so our classes are very intense and you will have to work a lot. You will be constantly subjected to competition, challenges, projects, and tests. Each semester you must finance, produce and design exit strategies for a specific audiovisual product. Also, you will increase your business and public relations skills. It sounds difficult, but throughout the race, you will discover more skillful, and stronger. Almost without realizing it, you will find yourself becoming a professional leader.
Centre for Research and Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology (Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS))
Master of History (Peninsular)
- Mexico City, Mexico
Postgraduate that aims to train scientific personnel of the highest level, distinguished by having the skills and abilities of historical and social research, necessary to carry out critical analyzes and solid and original theoretical-methodological proposals, based on the study of regional problems most significant national and international. It is taught at the Peninsular Regional Unit.
Casa Lamm Cultural Centre (Centro de Cultura Casa Lamm)
Bachelor of Art History
- Mexico City, Mexico
General objectives of the curriculum: To train highly qualified Art Historians with the knowledge, skills, and abilities that allow them to participate as researchers and art critics, capable of appreciating and disseminating the cultural heritage of humanity, projecting the artistic being and doing of Mexico. Profile of the graduate: The Graduate in History of Art is a person capable of investigating, analyzing, and comparing the various currents and schools of art and understanding it as a universal value highlighting and projecting the artistic endeavor of Mexico to the entire nation and abroad. His training enables him to: Have sufficient elements of aesthetic judgment to analyze and value any artistic manifestation, be it plastic, architectural, cinematographic, and scenic, thus collaborating with the rescue and preservation of our cultural heritage. To interpret in an analytical-synthetic way the history of both national and universal art, as well as the history of art criticism, essential elements in his training as an art critic. Disseminate art orally or in writing in the different mass communication media in order to publicize the cultural heritage of Mexico, thus collaborating in the formation of national identity, both within our borders and outside them. Manage art as a cultural heritage of society, carrying out and supervising artistic and cultural projects that allow it to access the economic market of this.
Innovation in Higher Education
- Mexico City, Mexico
The ANUIES has contributed to building innovation policies in higher education in an environment characterized by complexity and uncertainty. This has been expressed with the greater force since 2006, when it was proposed to transform teaching and learning models, continuously innovate, diversify educational modalities and promote education for all throughout life. Emphasis is placed on the development of comprehensive training processes, the encouragement of programs in different educational modalities and formats, as well as opening training and updating opportunities. Innovation in Higher Education is one of the crucial issues that ANUIES has promoted in the need to generate comprehensive training processes in various areas of knowledge and professional fields. That is why it organizes inter and intra-regional working groups, which promote and carry out projects related to the following thematic axes: Educational models Educational innovation and curriculum Environments and modalities For the development of work related to these issues, cooperation mechanisms are generated between HEIs through a National Network, launching academic projects that promote the consolidation of innovation in higher education, promoting the participation of academics, managers, and innovation specialists, who interact at the regional, interregional and national levels. The dissemination of the results generated collectively promotes innovative processes in Higher Education Institutions affiliated to ANUIES through the Network Observatory.
Anglo-American Education Group (Grupo Educativo Angloamericano)
Bachelor of English Teaching
- Mexico City, Mexico
Como Licenciado en Enseñanza del Inglés: Serás un profesional competente y competitivo en la docencia. Contarás con excelente competencia comunicativa en el idioma inglés. Formado a la vanguardia educativa, con métodos y técnicas de enseñanza innovadores. Podrás dirigir con pertinencia y eficacia la planeación, ejecución y evaluación del proceso educativo. Tendrás un compromiso con el entorno social, mediante el ejercicio de valores universales.
Dr. Ignacio Chavez National Institute of Cardiology (Instituto Nacional de Cardología Dr. Ignacio Chávez)
- Mexico City, Mexico
TASKS TO DO Nutritional Screening for Hospitalized Patients Nutrition Care Process in adult and pediatric patients Food guidance for patients during the hospital stay and at discharge Outpatient consultation * Cardiac Rehabilitation* Foodservice ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES Exhibition of scientific articles, production of educational material, clinical cases, and advances in nutrition research. BENEFITS OF SOCIAL SERVICE Development of skills related to medical-nutritional therapy. Get involved with the social and medical situation of patients to develop proposals for solutions to nutritional problems and/or needs. Update on dietary management. Participation within an interdisciplinary group.
Gauss Jordan Specialized Institute in Computer Science and Administration
Bachelor of Public Accountant
- Mexico City, Mexico
The objective of the degree in Public Accountant is to train professionals capable of creating, directing, and innovating organizations, optimizing resources, being competitive in a national and international environment, counting on theoretical, practical, and methodological knowledge, as well as skills and attitudes, with an entrepreneurial, ethical and human vision to direct, advise and execute all those activities that allow them in a dependent or independent way both in the public and private sectors, the systematization, and control of fiscal and financial information of companies or organizations, analyzing the accounting, fiscal and financial trends developed to date and considering the organizational culture and the economic, political and social environment of the country.
Amauta University
- Mexico City, Mexico
Contribute to the training of professionals who conceptualize in the public and private sector, who apply principles and methods of Public Accounting, That allows economic and financial development and present in agile and timely financial information, capable of organizing and evaluating control plans, promoting the development of the entities where they work.
Westbridge University
Bachelor of International Gastronomy
- Mexico City, Mexico
Distance Learning
The student of the International Gastronomy Degree will know national and international culinary techniques and will creatively elaborate on foods that satisfy nutritional needs. It will develop skills for the administrative and accounting management of companies dedicated to the preparation of food and beverages.
Popular degree type
Popular study format
Bachelor Programs in Mexico City, Mexico
Mexico State has famous and grand school system after Mexico City. The major university, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Mexico, offers an extensive number of courses to local and overseas students. It is an ideal place for education especially for those who need many options in different fields of study.
Mexico, officially the United Mexican States, is a federal constitutional republic in North America. Working may require a work visa, which is difficult to get if you want to freelance for a short time. Most of the government-funded universities in major cities (state capital) have short courses on history, gastronomy, and cultural subjects, and most of them are almost free.
A bachelor's degree is given to students who fulfill the necessary requirements given by the college or university they are attending. The requirements include three to seven years of focus on a subject, typically referred to as a major or concentration.