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5 Translation programs found


  • BA
  • Humanities Studies
  • Language Studies
  • Translation
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    5 Translation programs found

    BA Programs in Humanities Studies Language Studies Translation

    BA stands for Bachelor of Arts. This undergraduate degree is often concentrated in the arts or sciences. It can take up to four years or more to complete, but depending on your schedule it may be finished in as little as three.

    What is a BA in Translation? The curriculum of this degree can help students gain fluency in another language so that they are able to communicate on a professional level. Many of the study plans revolve around language structure and the purpose of translation and in some instances may focus on cultural discourse. When starting out, most students already have some degree of fluency in another language. Instructors may design these courses specifically for intermediate or advanced speakers of a foreign language.

    After receiving a BA in Translation, graduates tend to have high foreign language skills and interpersonal communication skills and usually develop knowledge about a variety of cultures. These abilities can benefit students in the job market as well as with communicating with individuals from around the world.

    Students should not expect to pay the same price at every university. It is important to note that fees can vary at different institutions.

    For the most part, translation students usually pursue careers as translators. Translators may work in several different fields. Business, politics, medicine and even law are just a few of the industries that might demand translators. Translators are supposed to have a high command of another language and this can make them valuable employees. Some students, however, may choose a different path. Graduates can potentially find careers as language specialists, foreign language editors and language software developers.

    Many students choose to pursue their degree online where it is convenient. However, some may attend local campuses or campuses abroad. Search for your program below and contact directly the admission office of the school of your choice by filling in the lead form.