0 Archaeology programs found
- BA
- United Kingdom
- Humanities Studies
- Archaeology
- Part time
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Part time BA Programs in Humanities Studies Archaeology
Winchester is the former capital city of England. It's famous for Winchester Cathedral and many fictional artworks are placed there. They have one local university, one campus of another university and several colleges.
Studying past civilizations through their structures and artifacts, including physical remains, artwork, tools and religious objects, in order to understand their history and culture is key to the subject of archeology. Students may specialize in a specific area such as geographic region, time period or type of society.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom and Britain, is a sovereign state located off the northwestern coast of continental Europe. The two most famous (and oldest) universities are Oxford and Cambridge (often referred to as Oxbridge by many Britons). England also has several other world-class institutions, including several in London (notably Imperial College, the London School of Economics, University College London and King's College London, all are part of London University).
Earning a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree is an academic achievement upon completing a series of courses over the course of three or four years. The subjects that are studied in order to earn this degree vary widely under the disciplines of the liberal arts and sciences.
Part time learning allows one to obtain part-time degrees even if one cannot attend school on a full-time basis. One can learn at his or own pace, gradually accumulating credits which count towards final qualification.